What holds you back from becoming the best version of yourself?

Have you ever pondered what holds you back from becoming the best version of yourself? A profound question from the brilliant mind of coach Owen Eastwood, a master in the realm of sports coaching.

A question you’d also find it popping up regularly in our Be Braver coaching spaces.

I encourage you to dive into the article below or, better yet, immersing yourself in his book, Belonging, to extract your own nuggets of wisdom and inspiration.

In the world of Be Braver, his insights really did strike a chord. Quite a few actually.

 Very like Owen Eastwood, I too ventured into the world of coaching psychology after having spent the earlier part of my career working in data-driven marketing. While I haven’t had the chance to coach a football team (yet!), I can recognise some shared philosophies in our approaches.

Owen Eastwood speaks of togetherness; at Be Braver, we hold courage close to our hearts. It's the driving force behind everything we do. Creating connection, finding clarity and knowing confidence underpin it.

Where Owen Eastwood appeared to start with a hunger for simplicity, not models and theories – I embarked on an academic journey, making the courageous decision to eventually go my own way. Leaving my PHd in courage behind (oh, the courage that decision took), to focus on research and practice outside of academia.

Still deeply rooted in humanities and behavioural sciences, I now bring Be Braver to the world. A growth toolkit with a soul — supported by a model and theory that I’m truly passionate about.

Delving into the potential gender differences in mine and Owens coaching journeys could fill pages. Authority is undoubtedly harder to come by as a woman. I suspect a key point of departure. Yet, beyond academic pursuits, I believe in bridging gaps through emotional intelligence and creating a space where progress can flourish.

In reality my academic prowess, actually cowers in the shadows of my emotional intelligence (it did indeed equally take an awful lot of courage to turn to academia). It is in the commendations on my authenticity, integrity and ability to create connection and build trust which I find my own measure of success. Personally and professionally. 

What did resonate so deeply with Owens Eastwoods approach and Be Bravers? Our shared beliefs in:

Connecting to Something Greater:

Beyond individual or team goals, finding personal meaning enhances our collective journey.

Embracing Difficulty:

Challenges have a purpose, fueling the drive to stretch, push boundaries, and overcome obstacles.

Emotional Connection:

Breaking barriers by understanding our emotional ties to ourselves and others.

Courage and bravery are probably not synonymous with belonging and togetherness. I would argue they ought to be.

Not just because I am building my own pride of lionesses (no football pun intended) through the Be Braver Collective, but because teams and individuals that want to be and do their best, have the courage to fail together. Create connection and be vulnerable together. Say and do difficult and uncertain things. Which in turn creates a sense of belonging and togetherness.

If we could start with having the courage to build teams that are brave enough to be more emotionally connected, the sense of belonging and pride that drives success will follow certainly follow.


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