Embracing Courage: The Resounding Call For Professional Bravery

Our Latest Data Reveals That 90% of Individuals Yearn to Be Braver in Their Careers


In a world where professional success often hinges on one's ability to take risks and step outside their comfort zone, it is no surprise that the desire for professional bravery resonates strongly with individuals across various industries.

The recent data from the Be Braver Index, has shed light on this yearning for courage in the workplace, indicating an overwhelming 90% of respondents expressed a deep wish to be braver in their professional lives.


The data unveils a fascinating insight into the collective mindset of today's professionals. It suggests that while many may be content with their current positions, there is a resounding longing for greater boldness, innovation, and the ability to seize opportunities that can propel them to new heights.


The implications of this data are profound. It showcases an inherent hunger for personal growth, a recognition that embracing bravery can lead to enhanced career development, and a realisation that staying within the confines of comfort zones can stifle progress a d business growth.


It is evident that individuals are seeking ways to overcome limiting mindsets and and push boundaries in order to thrive in an ever-evolving, volatile and complex changing business landscape.


Many factors contribute to this longing for professional bravery. Rapid technological advancements, increasing competition, and the growing need for adaptability in the face of disruption have created a sense of urgency among professionals.

Recognizing the importance of embracing change and taking calculated risks, individuals yearn for the courage to step outside their familiar terrain and explore uncharted territories.


Be Braver is dedicated to fostering bravery in the workplace, offering an opportunity for individuals to learn how to assess, build and practice their own level of professional courage.


By taking the Be Braver Index as a start, participants gain valuable insights into where their current mindset might be limiting their experiences so that they can build a pathway to cultivate bravery in their professional lives.


As the data suggests, the desire for professional bravery is not an isolated sentiment. It is a shared aspiration that resonates across industries, hierarchies, and demographics.


The Be Braver Index invites professionals from all walks of life to take the assessment and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.


To embrace courage in your professional life, take the Be Braver Index today


And as a point of note, the desire to be personally braver scores equally high. So organisation that want to invest in developing the skills to help colleagues become braver, offer them the gift of tools which will transform their lives both personally and professionally. Realising happier, healthier, more connected, motivated and engaged individuals in all aspects of their lives.